Any reliable monitor & control system to recommend?


New member
Hi guys, having exited the reefing scene for 7years, I’m planning for a return.
Been burying myself in reefing info.
There is a new company called reef factory but hasn’t/couldnt find much reviews on this.
Anyone can share what type of automation measurement and control system you using?
The reviews I’ve seen on reef factory (at least the testers) appear to be pretty split. Some say the reagents don’t work, others no issues.

I have a Neptune Apex and it works for my needs (but so does a smart power strip…). I was strongly looking at a CoralVue Hydros system for my wife’s tank. Both are probably the two most popular systems in the hobby.

I have no experience with the GHL Profilux controller system but can’t say I’ve seen much bad other than some programming things.

There’s also ReefPi which is a DIY controller system well outside my realm of expertise.
To expand a bit on the Apex, it monitors my PH and Temp and automatically turns off my lights if the tank gets to hot. It also automatically doses my All For Reef based on manual inputs. My understanding though is you can link it to a Neptune Trident and set it up so it automatically adjusts dosages based on the Trident test results (don’t quote me on this but just if I’m recalling correctly).
To expand a bit on the Apex, it monitors my PH and Temp and automatically turns off my lights if the tank gets to hot. It also automatically doses my All For Reef based on manual inputs. My understanding though is you can link it to a Neptune Trident and set it up so it automatically adjusts dosages based on the Trident test results (don’t quote me on this but just if I’m recalling correctly).
I saw BRS list another company which is Focustronic. But seems like there’s no after sales support.
I guess right now the choices are Neptune, Reef factory and GHL.
I saw BRS discontinued the Coralvue hydros.

I’m skewed towards Apex trident system and reef factory.
Read thru some of the user reviews and it seems like the wifi connectivity issues and dosing reliability are still not consistent.

looks like probably start with manual test kits first.
I saw BRS list another company which is Focustronic. But seems like there’s no after sales support.
I guess right now the choices are Neptune, Reef factory and GHL.
I saw BRS discontinued the Coralvue hydros.

I’m skewed towards Apex trident system and reef factory.
Read thru some of the user reviews and it seems like the wifi connectivity issues and dosing reliability are still not consistent.

looks like probably start with manual test kits first.
BRS discontinued hydros but it’s available everywhere else. It is believed it was discontinued by BRS due to the fact it’s not their brand, since BRS now owns Neptune and it’s a competing controller system.
BRS discontinued GHL too.
That said both are still available elsewhere.
Neptune is loosing massive share to the Hydros. Neptune is now owned by a investment company that has no idea how the hobby works. They also Purchased BRS and are dumping tons of stuff and brands. Allot of the people have left BRS now including Ryan. That is what Investment companies do they strip companies down and sell off the rest.

I believe they are getting rid of allot of saltwater stuff to expand on freshwater. Saltwater hobby is shrinking.

The only thing holding Hydros back right now is supply, they are growing faster than they can manufacture some of their equipment.
Run by hobbyist, Newer technology, newer OS, easier to use. They are a little behind because Neptune has been around way longer but with the release of the Maven they will close that gap significantly. Hydros also has redundancy.
This thread is quite interesting as I am also currently exploring a control system for a future reefing foray. Do you feel that Hydros will have longevity as well?
Just saw Coralvue is adding another machine to make more of the Hydros equipment.

This thread is quite interesting as I am also currently exploring a control system for a future reefing foray. Do you feel that Hydros will have longevity as well?

Why wouldn't it? Coralvue is one of the largest companies in this hobby and they have been around a long time. They have several other lines.
GHL is probably the weakest in North America. GHL has had problem's before with distribution in NA.

BRS lists things as discontinued when it simply means they have made a decision to stop selling them because they are a competitors' product.

They are dumping more than just competitors stuff. Watch their clearance section there has been so much stuff added and by a ton of different companies. . I think low sellers are being dumped too and just some random stuff. . If someone wants a good deal allot of this stuff is going 50 to 70 percent off. Some of it goes pretty fast so you need to watch closely. I just picked up some additives at almost 75 percent off.
also a bunch of stuff is not being clearance and is just disappearing I would guess when sold out just not adding more. They are defiantly downsizing on reef related stuff.

I honestly think they are making room to go more into freshwater. Reef Hobby is contracting, all the LFS by me are downsizing
saltwater floor space and some almost eliminating it.
If BRS is selling off anything that isn't their brand , Well then they become pretty small.

Honestly no one needs a controller. I like them just for monitoring my tanks when I am away. With all the power monitoring now you can tell what is on and not on, even if you do not use it for actual control. That is probably the biggest advantages is just monitoring what is going on.
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Just saw Coralvue is adding another machine to make more of the Hydros equipment.

Why wouldn't it? Coralvue is one of the largest companies in this hobby and they have been around a long time. They have several other lines.
GHL is probably the weakest in North America. GHL has had problem's before with distribution in NA.

They are dumping more than just competitors stuff. Watch their clearance section there has been so much stuff added and by a ton of different companies. . I think low sellers are being dumped too and just some random stuff. . If someone wants a good deal allot of this stuff is going 50 to 70 percent off. Some of it goes pretty fast so you need to watch closely. I just picked up some additives at almost 75 percent off.
also a bunch of stuff is not being clearance and is just disappearing I would guess when sold out just not adding more. They are defiantly downsizing on reef related stuff.

I honestly think they are making room to go more into freshwater. Reef Hobby is contracting, all the LFS by me are downsizing
saltwater floor space and some almost eliminating it.
If BRS is selling off anything that isn't their brand , Well then they become pretty small.

Honestly no one needs a controller. I like them just for monitoring my tanks when I am away. With all the power monitoring now you can tell what is on and not on, even if you do not use it for actual control. That is probably the biggest advantages is just monitoring what is going on.
Yup. Reef hobby seems like contracting.
Actually I wanted to restart the hobby after 6years of absence.
I just checked out the prices of the corals & shocked at the prices. Those common torches and lps have risen by 5times.
Just saw Coralvue is adding another machine to make more of the Hydros equipment.

Why wouldn't it? Coralvue is one of the largest companies in this hobby and they have been around a long time. They have several other lines.
GHL is probably the weakest in North America. GHL has had problem's before with distribution in NA.

They are dumping more than just competitors stuff. Watch their clearance section there has been so much stuff added and by a ton of different companies. . I think low sellers are being dumped too and just some random stuff. . If someone wants a good deal allot of this stuff is going 50 to 70 percent off. Some of it goes pretty fast so you need to watch closely. I just picked up some additives at almost 75 percent off.
also a bunch of stuff is not being clearance and is just disappearing I would guess when sold out just not adding more. They are defiantly downsizing on reef related stuff.

I honestly think they are making room to go more into freshwater. Reef Hobby is contracting, all the LFS by me are downsizing
saltwater floor space and some almost eliminating it.
If BRS is selling off anything that isn't their brand , Well then they become pretty small.

Honestly no one needs a controller. I like them just for monitoring my tanks when I am away. With all the power monitoring now you can tell what is on and not on, even if you do not use it for actual control. That is probably the biggest advantages is just monitoring what is going on.
Thanks for your insight. This time around I definitely want the finer things with my reefing experience.
Yup. Reef hobby seems like contracting.
Actually I wanted to restart the hobby after 6years of absence.
I just checked out the prices of the corals & shocked at the prices. Those common torches and lps have risen by 5times.
Yes, coral prices have gotten insane. I remember getting softball size Acro colonies for $30 - $40 back in the day. Now, you're lucky to find a 1" or less frag for under $30.
Yup. Reef hobby seems like contracting.
Actually I wanted to restart the hobby after 6years of absence.
I just checked out the prices of the corals & shocked at the prices. Those common torches and lps have risen by 5times.

Yea but the (in stuff) in the hobby has always been like that. Look at the Tyree stuff back in the day.
Torches have been the in thing for a while now. Remember acans and what people were paying when they were the craze.

Lps are still mostly wild caught and that is why the prices are higher. Slower to propagate so it cost more. Sps are cheaper because they can be fast growers and easy to propagate.

When Indonesia shut down it caused the prices to sky rocket for lps. It has not come down much.

Softies moved up because no one want to grow them because of how hard they are to attach. Grow fast but attaching them takes time.

The thing is there are decent prices out there if you look. Most vendors are smaller and they want to only carry the more expensive stuff. no one wants to ship 20 dollar frags.

I think the real cost comes in shipping. Shipping prices have got insane and local places are not carrying nearly as much coral either.

Honestly another reason this hobby is contracting is nothing new to excite people. No new fish, no new corals. Matter of fact fish selection seems to be dropping with certain fish that came from Hawahii almost impossible to get.

Too me fish prices have got insane. It is the killer for me with so many aquariums.
One given I learned a long time ago is equipment will fail and redundancy is a good thing. Over the years I've seen temp ports fail, individual outlets on power bars fail, entire powerbars fail, control units fail and sensors fail. Whatever you decide to use, plan to have redundancy, backup or multiple pieces of equipment so if anything fails while you're on vacation an entire system won't be lost.
One given I learned a long time ago is equipment will fail and redundancy is a good thing. Over the years I've seen temp ports fail, individual outlets on power bars fail, entire powerbars fail, control units fail and sensors fail. Whatever you decide to use, plan to have redundancy, backup or multiple pieces of equipment so if anything fails while you're on vacation an entire system won't be lost.

Yes it is why I always use a heater controller with a aquarium controller. A switchable outlet only has so many on and offs period. A heater turns on and off so much depending on where you live it can shorten the life of those outlets. A heat controller adds redundancy plus who wants to replace a whole strip and re-set one up when you could just toss the heat controller which in most cases are cheaper.

See the way most controllers work is there is a central brain and it controls modules. That central brain dies everything is down.

The Hydros is different and does have redundancy if you use two units, like a Control X2 and a Control XS.. They will both have a processor in them. If one dies the other can pick them up, you do not loose both. The only thing you loose is what is directly connected to the controller/module that died. Most Hydros modules/controllers have a processor even the XP8 power bars or some of their doser pumps..

There are a few accessories for the Hydros that do not have processors like the Auto feeder, WiFi strips, etc. But if you have two units with processors if one fails those accessories stay online.