Any stores carry reeflink or neptune wxm?


New member
Need to pick up one or the other. Anyone have experience with both that could recommend one over the other? I pretty much use apex for everything on my system. Will be using it to control mp40, mp10 and 2 radions.

Lastly any local store carry these in stock? Anyone selling one used?
I could sell you my WXM for - hmmm - lets say $75 bucks? Includes the module and a USB cord. Works perfectly the last time I used it (1.5 years ago). I've switched over to Maxspect Gyres so I no longer have the need of it.

Located in Clearwater.

Edit: Oh - if for any reason it doesn;t work for you - I can offer a full refund after hmmm - lets say up to 60 days?

2nd edit - I think the WXM can only work the pumps - the radions can only be controlled with Ecotech's stuff - not Neptune's stuff (intensity / profiles /etc.) - the only thing you could control with neptune stuff is turn them off / on if they are plugged into an Energy Bar.
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Any chance u could throw it in the mail? They updated the software with fusion to be able to control everything. Including radions.

I could sell you my WXM for - hmmm - lets say $75 bucks? Includes the module and a USB cord. Works perfectly the last time I used it (1.5 years ago). I've switched over to Maxspect Gyres so I no longer have the need of it.

Located in Clearwater.

Edit: Oh - if for any reason it doesn;t work for you - I can offer a full refund after hmmm - lets say up to 60 days?

2nd edit - I think the WXM can only work the pumps - the radions can only be controlled with Ecotech's stuff - not Neptune's stuff (intensity / profiles /etc.) - the only thing you could control with neptune stuff is turn them off / on if they are plugged into an Energy Bar.
That works, definitely won't be tmrw. Saturday would be only day I could maybe get away. I'll let ya know.