any tips for catching a wrasse


New member
I got an exquite fairy wrasee yesterday, and today he is in the overflow box. Any tips for catching it. I tried with my net but can't reach down to the bottom and very little room to move in there hes much quicker than me.
I am not sure I can give you a good answer for that, but the bad news is that he will probably keep getting stuck in there until you add something to prevent it... My wrasse got trapped in the overflow twice before I added a wad of filter floss. A couple of weeks later he jumped out of the tank and I didnt find him until I moved. Other things you might be able to use would be plastic netting or something to that effect.

Sorry, I hope you can get him out safetly.
Maybe drain some water out of the overflow box and try again? Less room to swim makes it easier to catch, but is more stressing...
Mine jump in the overflow boxes all the time. I just take out the standpipe and let the wrasse take a ride into the sump.......then they are easy to catch:)
Of course this is dependant on having large enough pipes and no sections they might get caught in.
If the wrasse just stays in the bottom of the overflow and doesn't travel into the pipe hold your hand over the end and let the overflow fill up a bit and then let go to try again.
I have one that's skiddish enough that I can just run my hand up the back of the overflow(outside the tank so he can see it) quickly and 9 times out of 10 he will jump back in the main tank.
hth, Chris