Any way to stop melting?


New member
I picked up some zoa frags today and while one is doing fine, the other two are closing up and getting the bubbles/white spots that I've seen right before melting, and I'm getting a little concerned. Is it even melting? And if it is, is there anything I can do?
Cut the good ones from the colony and try iodine dip them before return to the tank.
Good luck.
Maybe someone else can give us any other dip solution...

I checked out the coralpedia article, and decided to check the temp.....69F!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Time to buy a heater, lol! Tank is currently warming up and I think everyone is doing well. Also, I think some of the white stuff was/is sand :P.
Thanks so much for the help!
69?! Hahaha glad you figured out the problem! are the fish living in water that cold?
Yeah....the tank was set up on saturday the 27th, so it had only been a week, I was waiting to see what it would do, the other[2.5 gallon] tank was heated by the heat from the light only and I wasn't sure if the same thing would happen in the larger tank.....but it just kept dropping!

The only fish in the tank was/is a baby perc clown, and he was moved on thuesday of last week. The water started out at 74ish, but.......:rollface:

Everyone looks a lot happier, all the zoas are coming out and 'Nemo'[named by my 10 y/o sis:rolleyes:] seems much more comfortable, lol!