Any xenia?


New member
Shocked by the current prices at LFS - thought nobody wanted it?

Not much to trade but willing to pay if the price is right.
Broward or Palm Beach.

I also got an annoying one that i'd love to pluck out and give to you.. Its moving around the tank like a damn anenome. . .
not sure who I was talking to in WPB but looks like the posts were deleted???

Still looking for 10-15 stalks
Please PM me.


PM me if you like this.
PM me if you want some, I know a guy in Boca that has about 24 gallons worth (HAHAHA) in his 29 gal cube.

He will give it to you I am sure (or trade for any frag at all) heck probably trade it for a frag plug with no frag on it.
Thanks again keysfishfinder. Cool guy who refused to take anything for some xenia and kenya.
I'll be sure to pay it forward once things take off here.

Thanks again.