I also sell on eBay (was my part time job for a while when I was working only 30 hrs a week at a "real" job). I have been selling since 1999 and have over 750 feedback.
I would recommend eBay over Craigs List also because of the bidding structure and captive audience, you would get top $$.
I, personally, list items on Thursday nites for ten day auction, usually around 9pm. My reasoning is this: You get two weekends of exposure and that's prime eBay time, this causes the auction to end at 9pm on a Sunday after people have been out on the weekend and are back home on eBay, the price isn't that much more to do the 10 as opposed to the 7 day auction.
I always look on eBay for a history of an item I want to sell. If there are none, but I know the item is valuable, I may still list it. If I feel that the item may not have that much value, without a history, I usually won't bother. It's just a matter of how much your time is worth (ie: taking photos, packaging for shipping, travel time for shipping, etc.). If there is a history, then it's a given, and if the prices they are getting look good, then all the more reason to go ahead and sell it on eBay. Always look before you bother listing to see if you can get what you need out of an item.
As far as reserve prices go, I typically don't use them. They are a turn-off to alot of bidders. If you post what your reserve price is in the body of the auction, it may be better, but many will not bid on an item that has a reserve. If the history is there of this item getting good prices, then there is no real need for a reserve, and you may well go way above what your reserve may have been.
And lastly, (sorry this got so wordy!), I love "buy it now" and seemingly, so do other eBay bidders! I always put a "b.i.n." price well above what I "think" I may get for the item...an "I wish I could get this" kind of price. And you know what? Many times, I have gotten that price!
Good luck! Welcome to the wonderful world of eBay selling!