Anybody have any ideas whats RTNing this mille?


Premium Member


I battled AEFW's about 6 months ago and won as far as I know, I pulled all SPS out of the tank for two months and dipped them every few weeks while in the QT tank. All SPS have looked phenomenal in the 6 months since the treatment with no coral loss.

I did bring in some redbugs last week in a trade with someone, but I treated with interceptor since then, so the tank should be free of predators.

1.025 SG
Alk - 4.11 meq/L per salifert test kit
nitrates and phos both undetectable per my kits
calcium ~ 400
water changes are 20% weekly

Everyhing else looks great including all of the more finiky acros I have.
Possible flow problems in the centers of the colony? I know that when some fast growers get big, they can cause flow problems.
Thankfully, all the xenia i have is pom pom and it doesnt grow too fast since my nutrients are low, but it does open and close with good speed.

This is the only SPS that is receding out of my 30+ SPS

It just sarted about 2 days ago, the only change that I have made is the interceptor doing which was also two days ago.
sux man sorry to hear it

sux man sorry to hear it

I don't have advice except to say maybe its lack of nutrients, starvation maybe? You ever try feeding rotifers or food these fire corals can catch n eat?

I have read on these boards before that people have corelated interceptor treatments with rtn events. Its somewhat rare but happens. Could be conditions during treatment could be some corals have a higher degree of sensitivity. A search should turn up some info.
Is it wild, aquacultured, or grown from a frag? If it's wild sometimes they can just dump on you.....
it is wild, maybe thats the ticket. I dont think its starvation, i have other mille's including blue's that have great color and growth.
I* just got two wild milles

I* just got two wild milles

The two I just got are wild and they arent doing too well, I got some nice frags from fellow reefers and they are doing amazing, the flow n lighting is the same, tek 5 8 bulb geismann lamps, and two seio 1100s. I just think they aren't hardied to the rough conditions of my aqaurium. The ocean is just so pristine and stable, I can't emulate that quite right at home, like all of us though I try.
