Anybody out there?


New member
Im just trying to locate any like minded, reef crazy, groups or individuals
in my area. In the process of setting up a 65 gallon reef and always looking for
suggestions or advice. Are there any gatherings in the New England area
maybe, if not specifically in NH? Thanks in advance.
Anyone Looking to Buy a Tank?

Anyone Looking to Buy a Tank?

I have an Innovative Marine AIO that's in fantastic condition. Comes with upgrades and accessories. Please let me know; I'll give more details.
Hi I am new to salt water aquariums, I have a rsm 130d it's been running for about 9 months. I had some problems in the beginning, has been going good now. I just upgraded the lights to led the corals seem to like it they are as big as ever. I have a mcculochi clownfish and some snowflakes.