NCPARS joined up with another club to get a group buy on Calcium Reactors and I bought one. But there is no label on it and I don't remember who we bought it from.
I thought it was MyReefCreations, but it's not. Then I thought it was a GEOS but I'm not sure.
Anybody remember? I need a part or two that I could probably find on my own, but I thought I'd check the builder first. It's several years old and most people have modified their designs a bit so it's hard to figure out who's it is.
I thought it was MyReefCreations, but it's not. Then I thought it was a GEOS but I'm not sure.
Anybody remember? I need a part or two that I could probably find on my own, but I thought I'd check the builder first. It's several years old and most people have modified their designs a bit so it's hard to figure out who's it is.
