J jpkboca New member Aug 13, 2013 #1 Does anyoen have a bulb, I can buy or borrow? One of mine burnt out so need one. I havn't purchased a new one yet as debating purcahign leds' or just antoher bulb. On that note know anywhere that has cheap MH bulbs? Thanks, Jeff
Does anyoen have a bulb, I can buy or borrow? One of mine burnt out so need one. I havn't purchased a new one yet as debating purcahign leds' or just antoher bulb. On that note know anywhere that has cheap MH bulbs? Thanks, Jeff
Uncle Luke Active member Aug 13, 2013 #2 I have a reflux 12k 250 se used 6 months you can have for free. I'm in west P Pines
J jpkboca New member Aug 13, 2013 #3 Thanks Luke. If I can't fidn anythign closer I will PM you and maybe make a trip down over the weekend.
Thanks Luke. If I can't fidn anythign closer I will PM you and maybe make a trip down over the weekend.
P phishybusiness New member Aug 13, 2013 #5 im right in boca and have a few to choose from. its yours just come grab it.