anyone abv to help move a 265 tank this weekend?


New member
This is going from lake worth to my apt Fort lauderdale off commercial. & 6th. (im moving to a new apt)

I got everyone in the 120 and the 265 drained, disassembling everything this week..

Im shooting for noon Saturday, flexible as long as everyone is ok. I really need 2 or 3 guys to do this.

im going of course be changing to a under tank sump but the biggest challenge is the weight of the tank.. Ill be renting uhaul heavy appliance moving dollys to do it.

If your willing to help, PLEASE respond by regular email,, i get messages delayed here.

I have a pickup so that part is covered, lots of moving quilts will also be rented...
I tend to forget holidays, i didn't realize how close i am. yet one way or another, i got to do it.... the guys hanging out in front of home depot look like they need some work.. lol

I was brought in without cups so i donnt know if its really needed in this case.

still anyone willing to help out...
Goodluck with the move...
This weekend is a no go for me. If things get delayed for any reason until next weekend, repost again.
well i cant get enough guys, i got extra time, i dont think 2 guys can do it, espicaly one with a surgical hernia still healing.. lol so i guess i have to put it off till next weekend. Anyone game for last next weekend the 29th or 30th?
nyvp if that offer is still valid and its rated for heavy loads, i think ill take you up on it, even one cup will help alot. contact me at my personal email and we can arrange a time i can get it.
ok, i cant get enough help, 4 guys are needed. Can anyone recomend a professional service to do a simple tank & stand move?
Ask Rogger Castells I think he hired the guy from exotic on Bird Road in Miami to move his tank, in addition to about 15 of us RC guys. BTW I am available tomorrow, but not on the 30th.
i really appreacieate it but i have the number for several now plus the contractors from Big Als who originaly delivered it, i think its best that i just hire someone due to my physical condition.
I have Dan and crew from Marine Scenes moving it, thanks guys, but moving even the empty tank turns out to be more than i want to take on. Ive had enough stress in my life I dont want to risk my primary means of relaxation.