Anyone breaking down a tank or selling some cured liverock... Need 1-2 pieces


New member
Hey guys I figured I'd ask here and see if anyone was tearing down a tank or just wanted to sell a piece or 2 of LR. I really need at least one piece 5-9 lbs to place at the top of a tower in my tank. If anyone has anything like this let me know.... I would just go to a LFS but 1) im afraid the rock wont be fully cured and live and cause an ammonia spike and 2) i dont want to pay 6-8 dollars a lb for 1 rock. You can reply here and send a pic to

Thanks in advance guys...
I knew this before I listed my rock but didn't think my rock would fit his needs. I think it's too small for what he wants. He was probably wanting something flatter as well for the top.

Besides - driving from Miami to Coral Springs would probably make the free rock comparable to just picking it up at the LFS.

Water under the bridge at this point. Steve wants my rock.
Coral... i could really use some pieces maybe about 10 lbs or so for the top of 2 towers. Is all of it gone or can you spare 10 or so lbs?
I assumed you were looking for bigger flatter pieces.

I have promised the rock to Steve (Ninjamini)

If it's ok with Steve and you are willing to pick up.

STEVE ?????????
I do need rock for the new 56 gal column ric and polyp garden. But I dont want to be a hog either. How much rock is there? can we split it?
I think there is 6 pieces about 5-6".
1 piece that is bigger.

Then rubble that I don't know if either would need. If know one needs this I'll just dry it out and use it as frag rocks.
Im in miami so coral springs is a bit far but i do need the rock so if ninja is willing to split I'd be more than happy with 2 pieces (large one and another piece if possible). Lemme know if thats cool ninja

Coralfragger can you post a pic if possible of the large piece? Is it flat or roundish? Pic would be great.

I know that flamehawk had a couple really nice big pieces that they where selling before the frag swap. they had monti pieces and other coral encrusted on them already.

In addition they looked to have almost total coverage in corraline.

maybe send them a pm if they are still selling, they where not cheap but really nice looking quality.
Photos as requested.
When I looked into the tank I thought some of those smaller pieces were together as bigger pieces. At any rate - this is what I got.

It isn't encrusted with monti's or anything but then again - it's free.



Rubble - only if you really need it for something. Like I said before, I can use this as frag rubble myself.

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=10577846#post10577846 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by coralfragger101
Sorry for the bump.

Steve - Where are you???????????

I am here. Yea thats cool give him the big one and one of the smaller ones. I'll share. I will take what ever rubble you can spare. Its all for the frag tank.
I want to say thanks first off to coralfragger101 for the live rock (looks great by the way and exactly what i needed) and helping out a new guy. Thanks man. Second, I would also like to thank ninjamini for sharing the rock as it was promised to him first. Thanks Steve. It was nice to meet all of you guys and i also got to meet sufunk (jason, who has a kick arse tank) and was even kind enough to hook me up with a purple mushroom frag.

I will post some before and after pics soon of the tank w/ the new rocks (once i aquascape them in mon/tues)

I plan on making the next meeting and look forward to chatting with you guys some more and meeting some of the other members. When is the meeting and where? Directions...

Thanks again,
