Anyone carbon dosing with low nitrates and stubborn po4?

So what did you go with? I use bio pellets and love the fact that my nitrates and PO4 are near undetectable too, but I've heard people having the same results with vodka, vinegar, etc.
My tank is still pretty new and my phosphates were stuck at about .05. I have been dosing a mix of biofuel and Zeostart since the beginning. It is automatic at 1ml per day. I had upped it to 2ml per day without any change in po4. I had seen some people dosing nitrate to try and get color back. I was talking to Sam / bmullikin And he said he was using potassium nitrate so trusting him I ordered it. Sam is a good guy and I know he does well with his tank.

I mixed 1gram per 10ml of ro/di and added 5ml of this sulution 2 days in a row. Took a day off and dosed 5 ml more and stopped. Waited a couple days and then tested. It went from .05 to .00 on my hanna checker in 1 week. I Tested twice back to back to make sure I didn't screw up the test. I tested again yesterday and still .00.
On a similar mission my self. I recently purchased some KNO3 and have seen good results so far. I have always had a problem with 0 nitrates, despite dropping food in the tank like it was going out of style. I think the water was a little too clean, all corals slowly lost color, lps wasn't growing very quickly.

I have been bolus dosing .6 grams of KNO3 dissolved in tank water in about 70 gal of system volume daily and after a 10 days my nitrates are still undetectable, but corals that have had no color for months have tips that are glowing now. I have not tested potassium which I've read can anecdotally be associated with coloration. So far I believe the nitrate is more important and have seen good results with no apparent downside yet.

I read to start slow and ramp up as it can take a few days for the tank to start registering Nitrates.

On a very strange side note, since dosing nitrate, it looks like some of my algae is receding.... I'm stumped on that one, but will take the results any day.
I got my nitrates up to .5ppm. I haven't checked nitrates since I stopped dosing kno3 but I am pretty sure its back undetectable.

If the algea was feeding off po4 I could see it dying off.