Anyone dove in Lana'i?


New member
I'm going to visit for a few days this summer and wondered if anyone knows of any decent dive/snorkel outfits on the island that they can recommend?
Stayed on Maui and used Maui Dive Shop and did their Lanai trip. Dove Nob Hill and Cathedrals. Cathedrals is one of Lanai's signature dives where lava poured into the ocean and then cooled creating a very large cave like structure. During the cooling holes popped in it. The depth is 40-60 ft so the light coming through the holes is like stained glass in a church. Also creatures in the "cave" are typical night active animals that you can see in the day. Make sure you have a light.
Lahaina divers can help you.
And its not that far from Maui just use Maui dive you get more to choose Lanai, Molakini, Wall or night dive
Agree with the cove. The underwater topography and diversity of life there was AMAZING!!!

Saw the biggest sailfin ever over there. Too much to list!!!!