Anyone Fish trap?

Chef Reef

In Memoriam
does anyone have a fish trap i can borrow on sunday? ill need it to take a fish out of a fellow reefers tank to put it in my own. i live down in pembroke pines. let me know would be much help.
DIY Fish trap...

DIY Fish trap...

One of the fellow Reefer (esc.nuk3r) send me this link when I was trying to trap an aggressive clown and it work like a charm.

I used a Gatorade bottle... it has a bigger opening... Another tip from a fellow reefer. (illal). It took about 2 hours... but all cases I assume will be different.

Good Luck.
yea the gatorade bottle worked pretty good for me...but I kept catching the wrong fish in it! once I decided to keep the wrasse I was trying to keep he finally went in there. patience!