Not at the moment Jon.I actually am having some issues(possible not related to bulk DI) since i replaced my DI cans with the bulk stuff I got from you.It can be anything causing it but I am switching back to the ones i have used for many years to see if that helps.I am getting some dino,cyano or the like and I believe its coming from my RODI water.It tests 0 tds but I havent had issues like this since i had exhausted membranes and DI .It can be clorimine,clorine etc.. getting by the prefilters and since i didnt change them in about a year and made many 1000s of gallons I will start there and change all out at once.I will do some big WC when I get the filters and see if that helps.If not ,back to the think tank.The only other thing that has changed is the RSCP formule.The salts params have been all over the place the last several buckets and its now leaving the same scum in the mixing barrell as the RC used to.Crazy cause thats why i switched from RC ,that and the fact that the alk is high(13dkh @ 1.026 sg) with red sea coral pro originally being closer to NSW levels.I dunno
Yea I may be reaching here but when $Hit happens like this i go backwards to a point when I know all was well(just like a hard drive lol) and reboot.This has always worked for me in the past and I know of no better way when all params tests well.It may have got contaminated in my basement or any # of things so I am just putting everything back to where I was at 6 months ago.Hopefully this will correct issues.If I see no improvement in a month or 2 I will switch salts.
Copperband butterfly is the best although you need a new home for it as soon as the last one is gone or it will turn on your corals. Loved my LPS and zoa's
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