Anyone have a Coupon Codes for Dr Fosters?


In Memoriam
Just like the subject line says, looks like I can't find the OR pump locally so I'll be ordering it from Dr. Fosters.

Does anyone have a discount coupon code for Dr. Fosters?

I checked a few weeks ago and they were not running any coupon specials for RC members other than for koralia pumps. You may want to call them and see if they are doing it again/yet. The old code was dodge.
i do, but im at work right now, its on my home computer, pm me so i remember. It comes out to like 50bux for the 3500, w/o shipping
First I want to thank the board members and regular members that volunteer with so many things that I know just don't happen on their own like turtle release, frag swaps, Miami Seaquarium, and ORA to name some, on top of the monthly meetings. So I don't come off like thanks, but here is more work. Dr. Foster and Smith offer a 10% to clubs I don't have any details other than the link below but maybe the club board can explore this.

Rewards for Aquarium Societies that Promote Aquatic Education & Awareness:
that would be very nice! I just put a $400+ order with Dr. Foster. I went to the site, but I can't find any details on it. Anyone can chime in about it?