Anyone have a good used overflow box?


New member
I bought a CPR100 overflow a good while back. Walker came over and helped hook my sump and overflow up. Needless to say, I didn't do enough research on these type of boxes. You need a pump (aqualifter) to keep a constant siphon. If the pump goes out, the siphon is lost and the return pump is still rockin' water right into the tank. I was wondering if someone has a overflow w/U tube(s) that can handle 600gph. Looking to do a trade. If not trade, will purchase. I'm in need of it fairly quick as my ASM skimmer needs some water to skim.
Alternatively, you could put a powerhead nearby the overflow box for some wave action. If it's a powerhead with a side port for aeration, you could connect that port to your overflow box to keep the air purged. I've got two CPR overflows on my 65 (each with an aqualifter pump and filter), one at each end, to increase water movements. Plus, if one goes out (it never has, but if...for whatever reason), water flow is completely covered by the remaining box.
i have one shake. i used it before with dual u tubes and dual intake. pm me if you want it. need some cleaning and has never failed after 10 months of use. ramiro