Anyone Have Firefish Gobies???


Gonna Need A Bigger Tank
I'm looking for some flashes of color in my new 120. Here's what I have:
zebra tang
pair of mated clowns
2 skunk cleaners
1 sebae
1 pitiful-looking BTA
3 pajama cardinals
1 sand-sifting goby (pink-lined)
I was thinking of the firefish gobies because they look nice and are inexpensive. Does anyone have any recommendations here?
I don't want fish that will "hide" all the time.
6-line wrasse? I like them. Lots of color.

I have firefish. I think they're very pretty. We had 2 at school and both took the dive out of the tank one night :( but mine at home never jumps even when chased.

I just bought a purple firefish. He is not what I call cheap. But his color is increadable. I bought him at FAOIS. John told me that many firefish are collected with "juice" (AKA cynide). He said that the location where my fish came from is not known for using cynide and it cost more, but will not die like one caught with juice.

I love his color. I wanted to get two, but one was above my budget so I settled on one.

Good luck,
I have a Firefish and it hides all the time. They are more open swimmers in groups from what I am told but mine spends all of its time down under my sand in a cave my Sleeper Gody dug out. It wants to be with a buddy so it has adopted my Gody as its buddy.

I worry that it is dead because I will not see it for days. Hell the other night my Goby sealed himself in his save moving sand so the stupid Firefish was trapped in there as well for a day :)

I was just about to move rock this morning to look for him when he popped back up for some cyclop-eeze.
i had a single one that i bought a while ago and it lived for about 5 months of so they it vanished...he swam out in the open quite frequently and was very cool looking. He did love his little cave in the sand but i hear they jump so be careful
ReefArtist, you're right on w/ the RHPS reference :)
Most info seems to suggest one or a mated pair...I wonder if three would work or end would end up w/ two of them fighting the other ???
With most it seems that one male with a few females works great. What happens with the "More that one female" is the male might pester but because there's three one isn't getting all the lov-in :D. I'm not sure about finding females or their coloration, but with say 3 or 4 of the same type of fish I think would look great and worth the time to locate them.
Hi o2zen, That's my web site that I play around with. I have my artwork on display there and now have a section for reefing. I do it for fun which keeps it fun.
Man, I can't believe your firefish hides so much. My gobies do, I never see them and they have a great cave system. My firefish is always out in the open waiting to get feed.
Same with mine. Between school and home, I've had 5 of them. Only 1 hid much...and 2 later went tile diving :(
Just a note, Even the use of egg crate only lessens the chance
of them committing harry carry or carpet surfing.
I have found they will jump when ever harassed. but they are cool looking.
Mine has not jumped yet at all even when chasing it with a net but yeah the damn thing spends more time under the sand than my Goby.

Funny as heck watching him dive for the time opening into his cave then dart out at top speed to get some food and dart back in again. You would think I had a Lionfish in the tank or something the way he is acting.
I have a regular firefish and I think it depends on what other fish you have with them because I had a six line wrasse and he was out all day swimming around in the middle of the tank. I got a blue damsel and he dug himself a cave because they were picking on him.
I have 3, 2 are paired up and stay out but the loaner is always making me think he is dead and then popping up the next week.

Never seen any aggression between them but the loaner keeps its distance.
I don't know why a post from 2007 would be resurrected like this...

I have a red and a purple. Also looking to add a Helfrichi. In quarantine now (150 gal) - but will be transferred to my 320 when it's up and running.