Anyone have maiden's hair? Other good flowie macros for a reef?


New member
Hi guys,

I was looking at the Maiden's hair on and it looks really nice. It has good color and would add nice movement to the tank. Anyone have any? Is it invasive? Will a blue tang decimate it before it gets established?

Any other good macros for in the display tank? That the blue won't just eliminate?

I also have a sump but one side has a protien skimmer and the other side has my calcium reactor. Unfortunately there isn't much room for anything in there...

If you like slow growers you can try halimeda and halimenia, others to try but fast grower and good food for some Tangs is the Ulva (lettuce agae). If you have some sand you can plant seagrass (Look like wide grass blades) and the shaver brush.
I had a maiden's hair 2 months ago. Most of my fish at one time or another nip at it, and my hermits and snails seem to eat them time to time. I took no more than a week that half of a good size maiden's hair was gone.

I separated it for 3 weeks for it to grow back, and then as soon as I put it back out, the whole thing was gone in 2 days. I heard it contains some kind of toxic enzyme to ward off predators, but whatever it is, it doesn't seem to work very well.

I have seen it being sold in some LFS as fish feed so I think it may be grown in the fuge for the same purpose.