Anyone having trouble taking lid on G3 skimmer?

I have a G2 and I have the same problem sometimes. The lid should go on very easy. If you have to use any force it in, it will be a pain in the neck next time when you try to open it.

Just turn it real hard and becareful not breaking it.
Once you do get it off,drill a few breather holes in the lid.then skip locking it on.worked good for me when i had that happen.
I've never had a problem with the lid itself, but I always have problems trying to get the neck off the main body (for cleaning).

I always need to pull the skimmer out of the sump and grab it with a towel to get some extra grip...take a look and make sure your turning the right way too. The lid should be counter clockwise (the same way the top portion turns off the neck).

If you do get it off, you might want to use a Dremel to make it a little easier next time around. The lid itself does not need to create a seal...
Perhaps they can machine a little more clearance in the lid
Send them and email and maybe they will send you a replacement lid with more clearance. Or, do you have any machine shops in the area that can increase the clearance? Provided you can get it apart.....
I too had issues getting the lid off. I figured it was a girl thing, so now I don't tighten it at all.
me too, i have this problem. so once i got it off i just push it down and dont twist it.
I know my wife got it off last time. Maybe luck? I been going to the Gym for a years I tried for 15 min last night and said screw it.
When I'm having a hard time getting it off, I let it sit under warm/hot water for a little bit and clean the outside really good. It's hard to get a grip when it's wet. :D
Remeber if your not twisting the lid on,your blocking the breather holes.(why i mentioned makeing new ones)Not that the skimmer is airtight to begin with, but just putting the thought out there.
same i just push the lid down and dont turn it....

I dunno if its blocking the breather holes cause when the collection cup overflows, the water goes out through them so it cant be blocked