Anyone Here w/ a SPS+Softies+LPS Tank


New member
So my tank has everything. Two leathers, some hammer/frogspawn corals, mushroom, brains, and also SPS types.

I have read mixed reviews about having them all in one tank. Just wondering if anyone has had a successful tank w/ all types of corals in it?

My tank is 180g (total system volume is 200g) and I run carbon 24/7/365. The SPS are doing good, but I'm wondering if I was to remove the soft corals, if the SPS will do better?
I have a large Devil's hand, medium Colt coral, Trumpet coral, Torch coral, Zoa's, and SPS. I also run carbon 24/7/365. My neighbor has basically the same and our tanks seem to do just fine with all of these pecies in them. Good growth, good polyp extension, and an all around healthy tank.
I've got a 90g with SPS on the top half, some LPS in the middle/bottom, and rics and zoas on the bottom. Been running for about 3 months far so good!

Probably approx 70% SPS, 10% LPS, and 20% rics/zoas.
Im doing it too. I also have a 90G with SPS, a couple brains, zoos and some star polyps which I would like to move before they get out of control. Just not sure how to do it!
i have a 125 complete mixed garden reef with a little of everything - leathers, softies, shrooms, zoas, LPS, clams, sps. the tank is almost 15 years old (DSB - never been changed by the way) but the sps's are new to the tank and have only been in there about 18 months. can't say for sure if the sps's would do better in a tank by themselves but can say that as far as i'm concerned they do just fine in my tank this way. growth and color are both acceptable - well you decide, here it is in 3 shots from right to left: the right end has the sps frags


Here you go. My 125 before it sprung a leak. A mixture of all kinds of stuff including lots of sps.


Here's a more recent shot of my 125 after setting it back up after having to switch everything to a new 125 tank. Still a mix of a lot of stuff.

Looks better now Phishlet I think.

I have several LPS, a bunch of zoos, and a leathers, but mostly sps in my 180. Everything is prolific so far.
I've got it all as well. Don't believe the bunk you hear about you can't have this with that and those will kill those if they smell them in the water from the other side of the tank and crap like that. It's all myth.
Ok. Here's a pic of my 125 taken yesterday. So this pic is newer than the last one I posted above. I've fragged a whole lot of things since the last pic and I got rid of all of my pumps and replaced them with only 2 Vortechs. :D
