Anyone interested in ORA Blue Digitata frags?


New member
I sold an acro colony that was hiding it and realized it's growing like a weed. I've got 2-3" frags of it that I'm selling for $10 each if anyone wants some.
alright peoples, lets try and get some timeframe for when i can expect people to pick up their frags.
I work evenings (2PM-11PM) Monday through Friday. This Saturday and Sunday i'm off and available most anytime. For Thursday and Friday I'll be available from 7AM to 12PM. please PM me with a day/time when you plan on coming.
I certinly do! I've been meaning to call and come pick one up. But i'll be happy to trade.

How 'bout can come pick a candy cane up AND bring the frag...haha. You need to see the new tank anyway...I'll tell Keaton what's up and between the two of you I'm thinking you can figure it out. :)

Keaton's ma
thanks for everyone who came out. i'll be seeing everyone else on Saturday. I just can't seem to sell only what I intended to sell, so if you would like frags of my other corals feel free to ask for them. If I can, I will frag almost anything.


Hey B, are you coming to the frag swap up here?

sorry man, but our meeting is that day and i haven't been to one in a year. if theres anything in my tank your interested in i still have mothers of everything. i'm sure i can get frags for you anytime.