Anyone keep a qt in the garage?

Depends on how well insulated it is, but I would still think that there would be issues. Have you taken the temp in the garage during the hottest time of the day to see what you will be dealing with?
I had one person I know who did it and he ended up having a total nightmare. Tried ac'ing the garage and installing a chiller, his garage got up to 100 in the summer, and couldn't keep it cool

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Summer will kill you. Any other time can be manageable but risky. At the end of the day it's a qt so you can chose the times of year you will be using it. Now I wouldn't.
Not going to have much of a choice on this one. Brought in a Midas blenny that my wife liked. No qt on this one. Looks like I'm headed to Ichville.

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Can you fit a small 5 or 10g in your stand? Or somewhere in your house?

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when i get new fish and qt, i just put a 10g tank on the's not that big its like 1.5ft long x 1ft deep or something and it's better than taking a risk of ich/brook/velvet in your main tank.
So you have a full on Ich outbreak? That sucks! I would do it inside on the floor. Just convince the wife its "temporary" LOL!
So you have a full on Ich outbreak? That sucks! I would do it inside on the floor. Just convince the wife its "temporary" LOL!

It's not full out break. It's one fish that is new. But we are about 6 days in the tank. I have a trap showing up today.

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