Anyone keep these wild zoas?


I love bengals
I got this piece a while ago and didn't have good luck with it, but I have managed to keep one piece of it growing well. Anyone else have this? Experience with it?

Look like horizons... I had multiple morphs of them.

Last set I had about 4-5" rock full, then during my last tank issue, lost most of them except have 5-6 polyps growing on a couple loose rocks and frag disks slowing coming back.
Seems like they like high light, I had my last frag in a tank with 10k halides halfway up and they have been doing great. I will get an updated shot soon.
Here is what they look like now, pics blurry but you get the point.

Thanks i dont know why tapatalk does that, its not until i edit or someone quotes the post that it actually shows up as a picture.