Anyone looking for Pearlberry or Oregon Tort us more?


New member
I have a friend bringing a bunch of frags for me. He may or may not go to the Coralmania show but I am going to meet up with him the 28th or 29th of March to pick them up.
$30 for a single stick frag of Pearlberry and $75 for a multibranch. Bigger than 2 $30 frags.
$75 for approximately 1inch of Oregon Tort.
Not sure of the others and prices yet.
Hey Bigz , I figured you would. I am going to have to figure out specifics in the next couple weeks I just wanted to see who is 100% in. I don't want him traveling with coral people are iffy about.
I will have to somehow hook up with everyone to get their money by the 26th. I don't have the cash right now to front the money. If he decides he is going to Coralmania we can meet there and you can just pay him But if he doesn't then I will need to collect.
I think he may have red planet available too.

I will be picking up the corals Friday the 27th. He will not be going to Coralmania as of this time but I 99% will be. I can transfer all the frags into a bucket with fresh tank water from my system and an air stone.
We generally show up pretty early to these events so meeting before the show would be best so I don't have to run in and out of the show if you want to pick up from there. I have a styrofoam cooler to keep the temps down in the car.

Seagars, What is some? small or large?

Chris , what about you?

Tryder got you down.

I will need paypal sent as a gift or cash before the 25th. Any corals that haven't been paid for in advance will not be brought.

Thanks for calling me back. I will pick up as well. I sent you a pm with a list of other stuff I am in the search for.

Yes we are jj but I need payment by Wed.
I am also not making anything or getting a discount by doing this so I can't cover paypal fees. Paypal will have to be sent as a gift if you want to use it.