Anyone seen any good size Vlamingi Tangs for sale ?

Locally , No. I still have my biocube so I still peruse.

I will say that some real nice fish come through this guy's channel on youtube
The reefCorner. He has a nice one now and I have dealt with him in the past. Cherry picks nice sized display fish. Little pricey but wanted to make mention

Locally , No. I still have my biocube so I still peruse.

I will say that some real nice fish come through this guy's channel on youtube
The reefCorner. He has a nice one now and I have dealt with him in the past. Cherry picks nice sized display fish. Little pricey but wanted to make mention


He does have some nice fish. Your right though $$$$ Thanks
If he does what he says, then its worth every penny.

We want to provide only 100% healthy marine animals. All of my stock is purchased only from local wholesalers.
I do not believe in transshipping any of my stock and being at the mercy of someone picking out my stock. This allows me the luxury of cherry picking my own!
Everything is quarantined for at least 7 days and goes thru a 2 stage quarantine. I treat for Ich and internal/external parasites...just because you cant see them doesn't mean they don't have them!

Also if it's not eating it's not for sell...Period!