Anyone seen this before in a paly?

Keiki Moana

New member
I have this one paly that spreads by morphing in irregular shapes under its has happened to all the frags of this paly. I have never seen this before....kinda this normal?


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I believe that is just the new growth of the paly. Depending on the "mat" it is more noticable in some paly's than other.
what are those white sand like things in pic 1? I seem to have some of them in my tank as well...last night i saw 4 on the vortech...
uuhhh...its white sand (LOL)! I pulled some grape algae out last night and got sand all over the place...sorry, nothing exotic....

I have some frags with that mass 2-3 times the size of this pic under them and they look really creepy!
PE types especially do that before they pop some new polyps. It's most noticeable in single polyp frags that are about to pop several babies.
That is just normal growth forming. Looks like the babies will be sprouting in the VERY NEAR future. What kind of Paly is that? Very nice coloration.