Anyone try 2 Sohals only?


New member
I have a Sohal in my 300 gallon tank. I've had him for about 10 years. The older he got, the more aggressive he got. Now, he's all I have left. Not sure if he's lonely or satisfied. My wife suggested another to keep him company. I said No Way! She came back with, Well they have to breed in the wild?!?! Good point. Any idea how to determine sex? Will they be happy or will it be a murder spree?
They occupy much larger areas in the wild and can escape when they get sick of each other. If your current tang is already so aggressive, I wouldn't recommend adding another. Your best bet would be to remove him and restock if you want to add more fish.

I was scuba diving for 2 weeks in the Red Sea this past summer. There were 3 sohal tangs on the reef and 2 of them were constantly chasing the third. The 2 doing the chasing tolerated each other at best, but were definitely feisty together.
They occupy much larger areas in the wild and can escape when they get sick of each other. If your current tang is already so aggressive, I wouldn't recommend adding another. Your best bet would be to remove him and restock if you want to add more fish.

I was scuba diving for 2 weeks in the Red Sea this past summer. There were 3 sohal tangs on the reef and 2 of them were constantly chasing the third. The 2 doing the chasing tolerated each other at best, but were definitely feisty together.

That's what I figured.