Anyone use any type of filter material in their sump?


New member
I have some tiny particales in the display tank , keep in mind only up and running for 1.5 months . i was thinking alog with running carbon if i put a type of filter material between the baffles in the sump this might help to trap some of the particles and also trap some micro bubbles as well.. any thoughts on this would be much appreciated.. thank you !
the whole purpose of sumps and Refugiums is that the water flow thru them should be slow enough to let th bubbles rise and the particles to settle before they reach the return pump, your flow may be to much, but i know some people use Chaeto that grabs a lot of stuff as the water passes thru it, also i see some people putting filter floss or filter pad inside the baffles. or even a filter block on the return pump.
i am running the 9.5 mag for the return and i think i could very well have it cranked up to much . i wanted to make sure i had enough flow .. do you think the 2 seio's i have will produce enough flow? thanks
I tried sticking some filter media between the baffles once and it clogs up pretty quick. This in turn caused the upstream side of the sump to run at a considerably higher level than the downstream side, which caused my auto top-off to kick on constantly as the fabric became more and more clogged.

Best thing to do is try some 100 micron filter bags on the outlets of you overflows where they drain into the sump. Catch the dirt before it hits the sump, not afterwards.

Get creative--I have my tank return running into a bucket full of holes, in the sump, where I keep carbon and filter floss.

I buy 5 pound boxes of floss in the craft section of WalMart, same stuff the LFS charges big $$ for is dirt cheap in the craft section--I just throw it out 2-3 times weekly.
