anyone using an eshopps R-200 sump?


New member
I'm about to build my own sump, but this is the exact design I want, and while it may be a little more money than what a DIY sump would cost, it'll likely save me a ton of headaches, not to mention time.

I'd want to run my skimmer (SWC 120 cone) in the left chamber, next to the filter sock. The middle would be my return, and the right chamber would be a small refugium.

Anyone running it this way, or see any problems doing so?

2 specific questions about the sump...

1) how loud is it as water drains into the sump? I assume flow rate into/through the sump will be a factor, but generally speaking, is it something I should be concerned about? The tank is within easy earshot of both my family room (where we watch TV), and my kids' bedrooms.

2) what controls operating water level in the sump? based on the baffles/teeth/slits, I can't quite tell in the stock photo.

Here is a pic for those unfamiliar with the sump, though still wanting to contribute to the conversation...

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I have the same exact sump. Problem is it's in storage along with my 75 gal tank until I get my own place again. :sad2:
You would be fine to run it that way, but if you have the skills I would add a piece of acrylic to the baffle with the teeth cut into it to raise the refugium water level to the same height as the filter sock section. That would give you more capacity in the refugium. As far as water level goes, I would set it 1" above the intake of your pump to maximize the amount of drain down water the sump can handle.