Anyone want a Molly Miller Blenny?

Pico Keeper

Premium Member
I caught this guy off Goverment Cut perhaps a month ago. He is a great fish, very healthy, amazing personality, chases my algae magnet all over the tank! Comes to the front when you look @ the tank and just stares at you.

He eats GHA & Slime algae off rocks and glass, Nori, Lettuce, Mysis, Formula 1, Spectrum Pellets, etc etc etc.

You can throw 20 spectrum pellets on one side of the tank, and he will find them and eat them off the sand bed no problem. Great eater.

I'll give him away for some frags, or for free in a few weeks if no one wants to trade a little bit.

I want to sell to FMAS member so I can still see him from time to time. Reason im getting rid of him is because he is such an aggressive feeder, my more timid fish are terrified of him...

3" I would guess, those snails in the pics are full grown Nass. Vibex and Obseletus snails..

2.5-3" I think he's full grown. He needs a bigger tank.
I do I do......You caught him off Government cut right.....

I have been looking for a nice blenny, and have a nice 65 to put him in....he should like all the rock I have......
Call me newreefbishop 305-542-9035..
I need to get rid of him, he's driving me nuts. I haven't seen my pearly jawfish in 2 weeks except at feeding time! I would prefer getting rid of him before the next FMAS meeting, and I would love to get a frag or two of anything for him in trade...

Anyone? Anyone? Bueller?
I want him... I want him... I want him... You're welcome to bring him here, I'll make it worth your trip. I bought a redlip blennie a week ago, and no sign of him. I think he jumped out and my cats got him. Gonna put an eggcrate backsplash on to stop jumpers.

Got lots of softies for you, and I'm generous with them. I'll be around all weekend.
TTT guys!

Ludwig and new reef bishop want him. Unfortunately I cant deliver, he must be picked up... whoever gets to my house faster, gets him. I nned him gone, on friday im going fishing, i will release him in the same place I found him if no one claims him.. Any little nice frag gets you this great fish!
crapola... I'd make it worth your while in frags if you came up here... LOL Or even at the meeting. I can't get down to Miami, so if you come up here on the weekend, I'll make time for you.