Anyone want to Organize the Group Orders?


New member
As many of you have noticed (and commented on), our group ordering process is erratic and slow. This is something that should not happen, but my problem is this... I'm the only one doing it! Granted, not having to contribute in a club is nice. You just to come to a meeting, get in on group orders, etc. and everyone else does the hard part. This is going to change. At the February meeting we elected and designated committee's to spread the workload out and get more involved in the community and welcoming members. As of today I have not heard from any of them. Things are not getting done in the club that need to be and its fraying at the edges.
For starters, lets get caught up with the School Tank's.
Next, lets get the group order's assigned to someone.
20 years of the Air Force has taught me never volunteer for anything. Since I am not going to volunteer; if you need something feel free to ask and I will be glad to assist.
Here's my 2 cents for this thread....Barrett has (as far as I can remember) always helped out when I was in need. There was the time I needed another look at my water parameters. There was the time when I needed some help with MH bulbs. There was time I needed a good sump. There was the time I needed corals.....etc..etc... Barrett, what area do you see that is suitable for me to volunteer for? I will NOT be returning to truck driving. My schedule for right now is open. This fall I am looking to go back to school. It looks like I need a chage of carreer, if you know what I mean.