Anyone want to try to save my gorgonian?


Premium Member
I have a purple ribbon gorgonian I've had for almost 2 years. It was doing great (new growth, polyps out all the time) until I got my goldrim tang about 8 months ago. Since then, the tang picks at it every time it tries to put out polyps. It's now in lousy shape - I didn't realize how bad until this week. It's probably a goner, but is there anyone who will be at the swap who doesn't have a tang and would like it for free to try to save? If that's you, let me know and I'll bring it for you. It was doing well in very clean water and not too much flow (which knocks it around).
That would be great. It was doing fine in my water, just my tang - who's been great for everything else - did it in. Too bad, because it was a nice addition.

I wouldn't be surprised if it doesn't make it, but thanks for giving it a shot! I'll bring it next weekend.
Most of the photosynthetic gorgonians are pretty hardy, & quite easy to frag. If there is any healthy tissue left, it will recover.

Without sounding too greedy, I would like a frag of your coral to try in my "floribean" tank. I would be willing to trade for something a little less Tang tasty.

See you at the swap
Hi Bill, if I'm not mistaken, I think you actually got a frag of this at a swap a year or so ago. But I'm happy to give you another piece.
-- Scott