Anyone with experience with


Reef Reef Reef Reef Reef
Premium Member
Please, no flames here, trying to give them the benefit of the doubt.
Bought an octopus skimmer (HOB) with them on the 30th of Jan. On the 6th of Feb, I emailed them asking what was up with the order, since the website just says pending. They answered back that the skimmers would be in on Fri (today). That's 10 days later. My next email under an hour later was that it would have been nice to know that I wouldn't receive what I purchased for over 2 weeks, meanwhile my tank's going south, and I'm doing a waterchange every 2 days just in case. And if they can't ship it by Friday, contact me and credit me back and we'll part as friends. Problem is, they don't answer their phones, all other emails went unanswered, can't get hold of them. I just sent another email stating that it's bad practice to not communicate with their customers as to the status of their order. And to credit me, or call me to let me know it went out. I will be buying it locally (I believe Ecoreef has them, but couldn't get hold of them all day today) on Monday if I don't hear from them, and I will then dispute charges on my credit card.

Please don't flame them here, feel free to send me a pm with bad stuff, just let me know if you've ever dealt with them and if it was positive or negative.
Thanks all!

This is the worst kind of post I can write, as there are so many other reputable people that WANT my money that I could have dealt with. Once again, internet sales have kicked my butt.
hey chris, havent dealt with them, but i agree they should have updated there inventory and reflected it on there website.

just noticed tho, looks like your sig is due for an update huh?
Email them a cancel order.

Fax them a cancel order.

Call your credit card and tell them that you ordered it and it was not shipped in the required time according to there own web site. They will deny the charge.

This is from there web site:
Shipping & Returns

Orders are shipped by via UPS orders will be shipped out within 2-3 days after it is placed.

Toll Free Number: 888-449-0466.
Fax: 888-449-0466
I will go that route Monday... as per our email, "they should arrive on Friday, we'll ship it out as soon as we get it." It's the "should" that has me a little worried, and the lack of communication after that. I don't want this to go wrong, but Monday I will be cancelling the charge.
Hi Ludwigia73,
We have a SeaLife Systems skimmer that we planned on selling at the frag swap. You can borrow it till you get the problem straightened out. It has a Rio 600 on it. I dont know if it is big enough for you needs, but hopefully it will help. I am near the Riverland Middle School. I will pm our phone number.
Lacy (Renee), I appreciated the offer. This is the kind of stuff that makes the reefing community so great.

Unfortunately, my report on these guys is what makes the community so sad. I never did receive any call from this guy, despite around 10 calls to his phone number listed on his website, all with messages left. I also sent around 5 emails, the first of which was replied to, basically to tell me they didn't have them in stock. (Like, 10 days after I'd ordered it!) No other answers, until I finally just told him to cancel the order if he couldn't handle it, and I didn't even get an answer to that, just a computer generated response telling me that the order had been cancelled. I'm assuming the card was credited, it usually takes a couple of days. All in all, very disappointed. I finally gave my order to DIYreef, (after checking ecoreef to see if they still had one in stock), as I hear Debbie is a great person to deal with. I actually sent them an email asking if it was in stock, and she replied that there was one left and could ship it that day. She came in just a tiny bit more expensive, but that was more because of the shipping, but I honestly believe I will be getting that skimmer. Seems like more and more internet deals are going wrong for me, so I'll probably quit this stuff, and just stick with the few people who haven't screwed me. Oh, and I refuse to deal with anyone that ships only DHL. Never had a transaction go right that uses them. Hopefully the problem is handled, and I can get back to the hobby.