Apex and Jebao pumps


New member
Anyone have any luck with using an Apex controller and Jebao pumps. I know on neptune forums they do not warranty the jebao's however I am sure there has to be someone local that has this setup. I will use Vortech if need be. However wouldn't mind using different pumps with the better controller.
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I book marked that thread actually. Port Richey is right around the corner from me also. Have you done this with the new RW pumps?
Just the WP , I havent really tried waves and such, I just used the Graph so far. But works great. Its nice, I had a WP60 that was to strong, but with apex setup you can turn it down as far as you want.
Tank is only 53G so not looking for a big pump. just trying to figure out if i need a RW4 or RW 8. probably run a pair in order to maximize water flow.
I have been running 4 rw 8's and it has been working great for 9-10 months. I have a detailed schedule that changes all the pumps seperately at different times and different days. I do not run waves any longer but they are easy to create with this set up.

I believe you can buy the cable from ebay. Jebao makes a little module as well using a single power supply I think.

If you are not bare bottom I would say rw 4's. Rw8's on my 5 ft long tank can move the sand on the opposite end if I turn them up.
I use 2 RW-8 on my standard 55gal. If you run them at about a 4 on the power they will be fine. Don't use Else unless you want absolute insanity. I switch between two flow patterns every few days to keep things stirred up. First I run one pump on H at 4 pwr, and th other on w1 at full power timed to make a 1/2" wave. Then I use C mode on both at 4 pwr. I have both pumps on the right side of the tank so it alternates flow very nicely.
Thank you guys. I appreciate the input. I'll probably go with the RW8's just so if i ever decide to go with the bigger tank I wont need to spend more money on upgrades.