New member
I had posted a thread a while back on my Apex failing. Let me just say that it is better to be prepared for it. I am on my 3rd "rebuild" due to hardware failing. Mine is something like 6 or 7 years old and after a while it just either gets corrupted or the hardware fails on you. That said Neptune has been great and very helpful for sure. They have repaired both my main and backup but as I had another failure recently, I am told that the old units are no longer in stock even as a refurb. At this point you are essentially forced to buy the new one. Reef tank = money pit! One can only hope that the electronics and circuit boards will last longer in the new ones. I am struggling to justify spending more right now so I am giving my backup unit a try and will send the faulty one back on an RMA in case they can fix it. In my prior thread I once reminded everyone to back up the bin file so you can better recover if your unit fails. You can still do that but restoring from that just isn't easy and seems to often not work right. The only sure fire way to reload your code is by copy and pasting. You can save all of your code from fusion to a pdf file. If ever you have bad luck like I did, you simply take the new unit, make sure it is reset to factory, make sure it has the latest software and then add modules one at a time transferring the code to the appropriate outlets. Yes its a pain but its the only clean way- trust me. The modules will most likely not install with the same numbers as your old one so you have to do each module individually to code the outlets and sensors. Whatever you do- disconnect everything and take all of the plugs out! The modules load up coded and more than likely will be wrong for what you have plugged in. I hope this makes sense and helps someone out there. Having now done this 3 times, its gotten a bit easier knowing what to expect. Good luck!