API Marine Algaefix

Redsox Nation

New member
Anyone used this personally? If so what type of results have you had good and/or bad?

I'm having brown algae problems, I've been running GFO and carbon for about a good week and half now and it seems to be working at a very slow pace. I have done wc's, manually removing as I can, changing skimmer and socks out daily....read a lot of mixed reviews on this product though. Only thing I haven't done is 3 day lights out...
If your seeing progress why not just keep doing what your doing? Seems you are on the way to having this solved.
Well BC in about a 2 week time frame...I've only seen about 2 rocks clear up...rest of the tank is a mess. That and this is to expedite the process
If your seeing progress why not just keep doing what your doing? Seems you are on the way to having this solved.

+1 That is the problem many run into in this hobby. We want to do things too quickly. Reefkeeping is like BBQ you want to go low and slow.

I agree keep doing what you are doing. Run GFO and Carbon and water changes.