For those of you who have Alexa, a large tank, and the need to manage large water runs, an app that can start and stop your ro/di flow in a set time frame is an app for your phone called Smart Life, specifically the Smart Water Timer--- You set your ro/di to run while the Timer unit is screwed onto the tap that feeds water pressure to the ro/di, and just leave it that way. You use your phone to turn on the unit and set the number of hours you want it to run. You use Alexa as the activator/communications link. I can turn on my ro/di production from the living room or the basement, no problem. And it's been reliable on the cutoff, though I'm still checking up on it---we've had it in operation for a month now, flawless.
You could also do one of these for your lawn sprinkler or any dedicated water pipe/spigot if within range of Alexa.
You could also do one of these for your lawn sprinkler or any dedicated water pipe/spigot if within range of Alexa.