Appropriate Place in Tank for a Zoa Garden?


They Got My Number
Hey guys,

I'm new to the whole coral thing but I've been doing FOWLR and clownfish and anemones for a little while now.

Just had a quick question about my "zoa garden" placement in my Nanocube. I understand that Zoas don't need as much flow and Light as LPS so I saved an area for them in the center at the bottom of the tank.

I only have a couple frags right now and one zoa rock but I think it's an OK start.

What do you think? (sorry they are mostly closed up....I JUST rescaped but wanted your opinions!)


Sweet, I want to get another zoa rock with maybe some Fire and Ice or some Whammin Watermelons to go in front of the flat rock in the middle and possible get rid of the zoa frag on the right or move it back a bit. Hopefully everything works out! I'm just worried a little bit about the shade.
Careful with the favia/favite (hard to tell by the pic). Many of them can have long sweepers.
Careful with the favia/favite (hard to tell by the pic). Many of them can have long sweepers.

Thanks for the info. That's not its permanent place, but I just wanted to get it up off the sand while everything recovered from the re-scape. It will be going back down to the sand shortly.
With the low rockwork, you can glue the frag plugs onto the back wall as well. Or use 2 magnets to attach them to the back (glue your polyps to the magnet that goes into the tank)
With the low rockwork, you can glue the frag plugs onto the back wall as well. Or use 2 magnets to attach them to the back (glue your polyps to the magnet that goes into the tank)

Will the Polyps be able to attach to the back wall when the outgrow the frag plugs? I don't want to just have a bunch of frags glued to the back wall.
Yes, polyps can grow on many surfaces. I've seen them almost fully covering maxijets before :D