This is my current gear list. It's taken a while to get here but, I'm glad I did it.
Zeagle Ranger --- It has the capacity to take me over to entry Tech diving if I need it... It's got great comfort and I like the wing inflation instead of the Jacket. There is a lot of opinions over jacket vs back. Bottom line this is more comfortable for me and I like leaning back like I'm in a recliner waiting on a pick up
Scuba Pro MK25/S600 For the Reg... AWESOME breather upside down inverted every direction. The open piston first stage needs more attention when cleaning but, it's worth it and doesn't take much more effort.
I've got a 36" hose going to my primary... with a swivel on it so I route my hoses under my arms. I tend to "Explore" and it keeps my houses and siloutte as compact as possible.
Scuba Pro Small Pressure gauge... gain slim line and I can tuck it in my cumberbun...
ScubaPro Air II for my safe second and auto inflator
Suunto Stinger (the wife bought it for me... way outta my price range but she loves me... and I LOVE this computer) O and her too
Fit and comfort is priority...
I've tried these and liked them:
Zeagle Envoy D50 ( I really like this reg and I keep it for my backup encase something goes wrong)
Atomic B2 (I liked this reg. great performer and a good price)
I HATED these:
I believe it was a Scuba pro Brute something... you'll find it on most rental equipment. That thing might not have been tuned right but DAMN...
I've tried other regs and if you're interested I can write those up.
I have bought off the internet and I probably will again.. I also support my LDS as much as I can but, I'm a cheap bastardo