April 2010 POTM contest.

Oh yeah, I forgot. We are going to start having a prize for the winner of each months POTM contest. Maybe that will help garner up more participation. This month, the POTM contest winner will receive cubed pack of frozen fish food of your choice. Just let me know after the contest is over what you would like if ye be's the winner...... :0)
i agree 100%--lets do a video tank entry

Before we start progressing in the direction of video, we need more participation in the photo end first. Why not enter a picture this month and help us out? There's even a prize this month. Maybe winning something will get people to post.
I probably can't compete with all these great cameras (and photographers), but I thought I should participate and show my support for the club!


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Hey born and raised Memphian now living in Virginia. My parents are still there in Bartlett. Can I participate? I am a Tiger fan and bleed blue and I dislike Calipari.
237 views and only 8 entries? Come on folks, grab a camera, take a picture and post it. We want to see what ya got.... :0)
I do quite enjoy richards musical videos!![/QUOTE]

Me too, he does have some interesting taste in music. I think he outta do a jazz video of one of the tanks! :artist:
No one answered my previous question so I thought I would contribute. Please just eliminate my submission if I am not allowed to participate. By the way, I use to be part of the community when I lived on mudd island. I have just moved to VA 3 years ago but still visit this board. I do not mean to ruffle feathers or break tradition. Go Tigers!
I just thought it might be hard to mail a pack of frozen food out of state.

No problem. You are assuming I would win and if I do please donate the prize to somebody else. I just wanted to stop lurking and participate. I miss good ole Kermit's Reef and my Tiger basketball team at the Pyramid when I went. I do not miss muggy summers.