April 2015 Reefer of the Month (ROTM)---mfinn!!


Ancient Eskimo Legend
Staff member
RC Mod
Thank-you Reef Central for this honor.

I guess you could say I've been involved with the hobby since I was about 10 years old in 1962 when I spent most of a summer visiting my grandparents on Hood Canal in Washington state.

I kept small tide pool critters in a 10 gallon tank that my grandpa had at the cabin, and learned how important water changes were to keeping the critters alive.

I soon got into keeping and breeding freshwater and in 1985 I setup my first saltwater fish only tank.

It took about 2 years before I started checking out different tanks in my area that had corals in them and that's when the hobby addiction really kicked in.

I setup my first tank with live rock, a sump and a skimmer in 1988.
I had a couple mentors that taught me that when you go out of your way to help someone or pay it forward, the action gets continued.



Description of RC ROTM:

In appreciation and honor of the members that regularly contribute to our discussion forums, we would like to acknowledge a Reefer each month that stands out as exceptional for their outstanding service to others. This person will be selected by the Reef Central Staff, based on their willingness to help others in response to questions, giving advice, and overall disposition. The honoree will be given the Reef Central ROTM tag, that will appear above their avatar and will follow them for one year after being awarded. This will not only demonstrate to others that you have been chosen as a trustworthy source of information, but also as a positive role model for others to emulate. Additionally, we are pleased to upgrade your membership to the premium level for one year.

We look forward to honoring one person, each month, by highlighting them here on Reef Central. This will include a recent photograph of yourself, or your avatar if you prefer not to show your actual face, along with what you love about the hobby of reef keeping and why you have chosen Reef Central to be your home. Each month the face and paragraph of the ROTM will change, but you can forever hold the honor of knowing that you were one of the chosen few to have earned this title and our respect as a member in great standing.

Best Regards,

The RC Staff
I do believe I see a Copperband! Awesome tank and beautiful fish.

congratulations! :celeb3:



Yes, I did add a Copper Banded Butterfly recently.
It was eating aggressively at the store.
I kept it in my qt-tank for 4 weeks and it ate pretty much everything I tried.
Even small pellets. Although, not as much as roe or Mysis.
That is great that your copper banded ate so quickly. And not picky. I live in WY. Hard to get quality fish or food here. I ordered live black worms a few months ago. I set up two large, shallow Rubbermaid containers for them. Drilled a hole in each for an air hose. Feed them fresh water fish food. Rinse once or twice a week and they are thriving. I was told they love them. I am confident I can keep a copper band now.

Continued good luck to you. :fish1:
