Aqua C 180?


New member
Has anyone used or know someone whos actually used an Aqua C ev series skimmer? Just wondering because read they were excellent skimmers and bought one yesterday.

bert:D :D
There are overall mixed results about them. I have had excellent luck with mine (180), especially after upgrading the mag 7 to a mag 9.5--much better results.
I've been happy with mine. Just make sure you keep the gate valve that discharges the water above the water line in your sump. I made a little platform for mine so the gate valve is a few inches above the water mark. Set it up with the air vent and the gate valve wide open. You will want to keep the water level about 1/8" below the internal platform..It will fluctuate based on turning the gate valve. I use a mag 7 also, and mine runs best with the gate valve closed about a half turn. You will have to give it some time to break in. If it's brand new, the acrylic can be a bit oily which will clear off in a day or two.
i have the ev-180, and have had good luck with it. i run a mag 7. only maintenance is the occaisonal cleaning, and empyting of the waste container (i got the separate 5 liter). i clean it every week, week and a half.