Aqua C EV-240?


New member
I just got this skimmer for my 180. Anyone running on of these on their system? How well does it perform for you? Are you happy with it or do you want to upgrade? Thanks
thing is, it's a little tempramental, in that the foam collapses easily.

make sure you use the larger pump suggested and also, plumb directly from the pump to the injector with no 90's or valves if you can help it.

they say that if you use the larger pump to use a ball valve but I found this unnecessary.

I have the EV-180 and I really like it, I am using a MAG-9.5, I also run it directly to the input with no ball valve. I get good constant skim and seem to have good control over bubble size and height, it does lose its skimming when you feed, but any skimmer will do that
Thanks for the response. I was on the Aqua C Club thread reading a lot of mixed reviews. But hey for what I paid for it I can't complain yet. I don't even have a tank to put water in yet.