Aqua digital emails down

Just keeping everyone connected to us -

We suffered a major hosting outage overnight where the Host simply uprooted and vanished.

So positive steps - within 4 hours our email account has been moved and is up and running with a rock solid UK host we have used for years and we expect pretty much all emails to work their way through in the next 24 hours as the DNS is updated.

Website - we are "hoping" the old host resurfaces so we can easily transfer all files to the new host, however if this is not forthcoming by Monday we will completely rebuild the site.

A temporary page is currently loaded and gives all relevant contact info for people to reach us, so basically the only thing missing is content.

Many thanks for everyones patience and also the emails received showing concern of our sudden disapearance!

We are alive and kicking just running on 7 out of 8 cylinders!