AquaC Remora Pro...


Premium Member
Newbie here....I am in the market for a HOB skimmer that does a good job of skimming out of the box. Pretty much everyone has pointed me toward the AquaC Remora/Remora Pro. I have decided to go with the Pro for my 55 gal, eventhough the regular Remora would probably be enough, I would rather have too much than just enough. :)

My question is, on ebay these go for $227 with the Mag 3 pump, shipping included. This seems reasonable to me, but I wanted to check with the experts here and make sure there isn't some other place I should purchase from. Also, any other suggestions for a HOB skimmer that I might have missed while doing research. I appreciate any help you guys can give! :D
I am a bit wary of buying from folks on ebay with none or very little feedback. I will only buy from someone with lots (hundreds) of positive feedback, preferably with an online store. The guy selling them on ebay looks okay from that aspect, I mainly just want to make sure that is the best price for the Pro with the Mag 3 pump.

Also, does anyone know what the drain fitting is for? Is it for the collection cup? I keep seeing this offered for an additional $15-$20 but am not sure what its function is.
I was wondering the same thing my self I saw that on the website, I think its for draining your collection cup though but not sure.
The drain fitting is for the collection cup so you can drain it to a larger container. I guess the idea is if you have it draining to a larger container you will have less chance of it getting too full and pouring back in to the tank. If your going to have a high bio load its not a bad idea.
Ahh, I see. While I don't plan on loading up my tank, it might be useful to have, especially if we have to go out of town for any reason. Thanks for clearing that up! :)
The only thing I can think of is that you need to be aware of the size of the Mag-3. It takes up a lot more space than just the maxi-jet 1200. If you have ample room then by all means get the pro, but if space is a consideration, then be sure you know what you are getting into!!
i gotta tell you though. i got an urchin. and remora is pretty much the same cept hangon. the spray injection system they use is pretty loud. thats one thing i dunlike abut my urchin...just to tell you.
I could never get my Aqua C Remora to skim very well. I never was happy with the performance of it. But it was probably just me. Many poeple have had good luck with that model.


remora pro

remora pro

I have the remora pro, rio 1400 and pre-skimmer box on my 77gal, works well for me and IMO is very quiet. :D