AquaC urchin


New member
I am lookign to buy one of the Aqua C Urchins because of my minimal stand room. It will be placed in a 10g sump under my 20g display tank. On your website, and in oyur catalog, it state that there needs to be atleast 24" to be able to remove the collection cup. Well, i have about 23" of clearance. Would i still be able to fit the skimmer in there? from what i have read, the Urchin is the smallest in sump skimmer. Is this true? Are there any other skimmers you woudl recommend?

Thank You,
Hi CJ,

I apologize for the delay. If you only have 23" of clearance in your sump the skimmer would fit. But in order to take the collection cup out of the skimmer for draining and cleaning you would have to lean the skimmer to remove the cup. This may cause the skimmate collected to dump out of the cup.

AquaC is coming out with a nano that may work better for your tank (

If there is anything else we can do for you do not hesitate to ask.

Keith M.
Marine Depot Customer Service