Josh Candiotti
New member
I bought a Reef Octopus 300F HOB Skimmer from you about 5 months ago. I have been very happy with it for the most part. When I got clogged for the first time I called and you led me through a few easy steps and I was able to remove the calcium buildups. I realized about 3 hours ago that my tank was cloudy and that the skimmer was not bubbled like usual. Much lower than usual and big bubbles not microbubbles like usual. My first thought was that some thing was caught in it somehow, I assumed not a calicum buldup being that this happen so sudden and also that it was different than when I used to get calcium buildups. I took apart the entire skimmer cleaned it out, rinsed in vinager and water solution for an hour. Cleaned out all the areas on the pumped where clogs could be, everything was crystal clear. So I assembled the skimmer again. Same thing, little pumping with large bubbles, and the outake pipe was realing very diry substances. I don't understand what is going on. In the past you have been such a big help and I would really appreciate if you can help me out again. I will call you tommorrow morning aswell but I just wanted to write to you first so you know to expect my call.
Thanks, Josh
Thanks, Josh