Hi, Robb. It does not appear your order will be fulfilled in our next shipment later this month. We presently have 8 backorders but are anticipating only 5 skimmers in our next shipment. We have another order pending with AquaMaxx though so it's possible we'll get more than we're expecting. It happens occasionally where vendors under promise and over deliver. Worst case scenario would be August. If you need a skimmer immediately we'd be happy to recommend a suitable alternative, although the EM300 may be worth waiting for! Ultimately we just want you to be happy so just let us know how we can serve you.
Hi again, Robb. I just received updated information—it now appears your order WILL be fulfilled when our next shipment arrives (you just made the cut). I'll follow up again if I hear anything that would make us think otherwise!
It appears we'll be receiving the precise amount we need to fulfill all our current back orders once the next shipment arrives! We're keeping our fingers crossed!!!
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